Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hillary attacks experience of Obama even though he's more experienced

Hillary Clinton has been attacking Barack Obama over his political experience.

"Voters will judge whether living in a foreign country at the age of 10 prepares one to face the big, complex international challenges the next president will face," Clinton said during a campaign stop in Shenandoah, Iowa.

"I think we need a president with more experience than that," said Clinton, who has repeatedly touted her own experience as first lady and questioned the readiness for the White House of the first-term senator from Illinois. (Reuters)

Barack Obama actually has more political experience than Hillary Clinton, in terms of occupying office. Barry was a State Senator in Illinois from 1997-2004 before he took the larger stage. Hillary didn't become a Senator in New York until 2001. Before that she had never held office. She seems to be trying to ride Bill Clinton's experience and popularity while denying it all the way to the bank. Why else would she try to claim more experience? She doesn't have it, unless you count Bill. She was not elected to be first lady, but most of that time was spent plagued with scandal anyway, and then she spent enough money to feed a few small countries in order to win her seat in New York.

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