Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Paul approaches $9 million for quarter

Fourth-quarter donations for presidential candidate Ron Paul are nearing the $9 million mark. A goal of $12 million was set by the campaign at the beginning of the quarter but an independent fundraising effort on November 5th raised over a third of that on a single day. Supporters outside of the official campaign have organized yet another "money bomb" for December 16th. Estimates are flying about that Ron Paul could pull down $15-20 million by the time this fundraising quarter is finished. Stats show that he's adding new donors at a very rapid pace and that a tiny percentage of his supporters are tapped out for primary donations, so this could get very interesting. Imagine the fundraising possibilities for Ron Paul if the big donors, the Republican base, actually help get him nominated and into the general election. Who knows, maybe the base is just holding out until Ron Paul soaks up supporters from every other candidate in the race. I know Ron wouldn't be drawing as many Democrats if the Republican base was behind him at this point in the game. While being able to outflank key Democrats from the left, Ron is able to stay on point with what is actually the most conservative message in the crowd. He's not just creating thousands of future "Ron Paul Republicans." The man is creating thousands of small-government Democrats at the very same time. It's flippin' beautiful.

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