Monday, November 19, 2007

The U.S. Peso

My brother works in the wholesale food distribution business. His Canadian business contacts now laughingly refer to the U.S. Dollar as the U.S. Peso due to its rapid decline in value, even against the Canadian Loonie. Sad.

Meanwhile, the FBI and Secret Service just stole a whole bunch of precious metal from a commemorative coin company that was selling Ron Paul Liberty Dollars. The affidavit, as quoted by the Washington Post, says, "The goal of Norfed is to undermine the United States goverment's financial systems by the issuance of a non-governmental competing currency." The main target of the raid, Mr. Bernard von NotHaus, has not been arrested. His name is eerily coincidental as many conspiracy theorists claim that the world, and more specifically the financial world, is run by the House of Rothschild.

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